Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fall is around the corner-cinnamon apple sauce

It was raining all day last Sunday, chilly and damp outside. Hearing the patter of raindrops falling on my window pane, I told myself the summer was over. The most beautiful and tolerable season in this little town. Waiting for me is the lasting forever, cold-to-the-bone winter. Maybe before that, a short chilly fall. Monday was still drizzling a bit. I was driving past the community college when lots of red big dots in the grass beside the road caught my attention. What's that? so weird! Mushrooms are the first thing that came to my mind, especially after the long rain, but big bright-red mushroom? Then I saw more red dots hanging on the trees above, and realized they were APPLES!! I collected a bag of fresh, organic, sweet apples right from the apple trees, and made this delicious cinnamon apple sauce.

4 med. apples
3/4 c. water
1/4 c. sugar (white)
1tsp of ground cinnamon
1. Peel, core, and cut the apples into quarters. 
2. Put cut-up apples, sugar, cinnamon, and water into a 2-quart saucepan. Cover and cook at medium heat (simmering) for 30 minutes or until mushy .
3. Transfer the mixture into a food processor to puree. Let it cool and it's ready to serve!

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